The Essential Guide to Midsummer Celebrations in Stockholm

New in Stockholm and wondering where you can experience traditional midsummer celebrations? Look no further. We’ve put together a guide to over 40 different Midsummer events, as well as essential dishes and all the background information you need.

Fun for all the family

Most of the listed events include dressing and raising a maypole (aka Midsummer pole), followed by traditional dancing and singing. Many also offer games and performances by local folk dance groups. It’s great fun for all the family and joining in this Classic Swedish experience is warmly recommended. Once the singing, dancing and games are over, people usually make their way home to continue their own celebrations with friends and family.

Good to bring

  • Picnic & blanket
  • Wild flowers to dress the maypole or to make your own Midsummer wreath
  • A little cash (there’s usually a raffle and or food/drink stands in support of local organisations)
  • Comfortable shoes for dancing / joining in organised games.

Venues in Stockholm with classic midsummer celebrations


Where: Skansen

Time: From 10.00. Maypole raised at 14.00


Where: Mosebacketerrassen, Mosebacke Torg

Time: From 12.00. Musical entertainment from 15.00


Where: Vasaparken

Time: Day before midsummer on 23 June


Where: Fjäderholmarna (islands in archipelago)

Time: From 13.00, Maypole dance from 14.00


Where: Nyckelviken

Time: From 12.00-15.00

Free bus from Nacka stadshus to Nyckelviken from 11.00 -16.00


Where: Värmdö bygdegård i Hemmesta

Time: From 11.00 -16.00. Maypole raised 13.00


Where: Solsäter

Time: From 12.00–16.00

Where: Tyresö slottspark.

Time: From 12.00–16.30. Maypole decorated from 12.30 and raised at 13.00


Where: Rönninge by, Skavlötsvägen 29, Täby

Time: From 12.30


Where: Enebybergs gård

Time: Maypole decorated from 09.30. Dance from 13.00

Where: Kvarnparken

Time: From 13.00. Note: Maypole decorated at 18.00 on 22/6.

Where: Djursholms slottspark

Time: 16.45. Note: Maypole decorated from 18.00 on 23/6.


Where: Tempeludden, Riddersvik

Time: From 12.00 -16.30


Where: Bromma kyrka (church), in the meadow below the church school

Time: Maypole decorated from 10.30. Meetup at Bistro Bromma at 14.30, Spångavägen 138, to walk together to the meadow where the maypole will be raised.

Where: Björklunds hage, Norra Ängby.

Time: Maypole decorated from 10.00. Fesitivities continue to 15.00


Where: Brukets backe, Jakobsberg

Time: Maypole decorated from 13.00

Where: Stäkets hembygdsgård, Wilhelm Boys väg 21

Time: Maypole decorated from 09.00


Where: The meadow in Smedby beside Gunnes gård.

Time: 12.30-16.00

Where: Fresta församlingsgård.

Time: From 10.00-12.00


Where: Kungsängens hembygdsgård and Bro IP (sports centre)

Time: From 11.30 at Kungsängens church. Continues at hembygdsgården. From 11.00 at Bro IP.


Where: Trekanten park beside Lilla torget

Time: 14:00


Where: Sätunaparken

Time: 11:30


Where: Rosersberg IP (Sports centre) beside the club house

Time: Maypole decorated from 14:15


Where: Lunda church

Time: Church service from 12.00. Flower picking from 13:00. Maypole decorated 14.00. Maypole raised 15.00


Where: Akalla by

Time: From 10.00


Where: Spånga prästgård, Tensta

Time: Maypole decorated from 13.30 and raised from 14.00


Where: Kvarnstuga, Brottby.

Time: Maypole decorated on 23 June from 18.00–21.00.

On 24 June from 11.00. Maypole raised at 12.00

Where: Orkesta-Lindholmen

Time: From 12.00 on 24 June. Note: maypole decorated on 23 June from 18.00

Where: Frösunda, Björkvallen.

Time: Maypole decorated 11.00 and raised at 12.00

Where: Vallentuna church

Time: From 14.00 –16.00 in the meadow towards Vallentuna. Note: Maypole decorated on 23 June from 18.00


Where: Hersby Hembygdsgård, Lillhersbyvägen

Time: From 12.00–16.30

Where: Rotsunda ängar (Skinnaråsvägen/Annerovägen) down towards Norrviken lake

Time: From 13.00 – 16.00


Where: Adelsö festplats (partly place), Adelsö

Time: From 12.00-15.00

Where: Ekebyhovs slott (castle), Ekerö

Time: From 13.00 -16.00

Where: Färingsö hembygdsgård, Färentuna

Time: From 12.00- 15.00

Where: Rörby gård, Lovön

Time: From 11.00 – 16.00


Where: Vintervikens trädgård

Time: From 11.00 -18.00. Maypole decorated from 13.00. Dance at 14.00 and 15.00

Note: 100 kr entry fee for adults

Where: Café Uddvillan, Hägersten.

Time: From 15.00

Where: Herrängens gård i Älvsjö

Time: From 13.00 – 16.00

Where: Brännkyrka church

Time: From 12.00 – 17.00. Maypole decorated from 13.30 and dance from 14.15.


Where: Skarpnäcks koloniområde (allotment area), Vinthundsvägen 2, Sköndal

Time: From 12.30-15.30

Where: Listuddens koloniträdgårdar (allotment gardens) , Kioskvägen, Skarpnäck.

Time: From 14.00


Where: Farsta gård, Farstaängsvägen 22.

Time: 12.00-15.00


Where: Magasinet, Juringe Gård, Mäster Lorentz väg 3, Segeltorp

Time: 13.00-15.30


Where: Häringe slott, Västerhaninge

Time: 11.30-23.00

How to celebrate Midsummer

This classic video “Midsummer for Dummies” never grows old and is well worth a watch.

Essential dishes for Midsummer

This handy article by The Local newspaper provides background information and delicious recipe suggestions to help you celebrate.

Wishing you a very HAPPY Midsummer 🙂 

Photo credit: Anna Hållams/
Venue information source: Mitt i Stockholm

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