Have you moved to Sweden recently or are you planning to do so? Perhaps you’ve been here for some time and are struggling with the language; The honeymoon period is over and you’ve realised that English will only get you so far, either on a career front or privately. Maybe you’ve been in Sweden for many years but have just never got beyond the basics.
Expert tuition from professional language teachers
We can help you to achieve your personal goals by providing tailored Swedish tuition
• Learn Swedish at your own pace
• Arrange lessons to suit your schedule
• Tuition at the location of your choice
• Learn the specialised vocabulary you need for your profession
• Individual tuition or small groups
• Swedish lessons via Skype also available
Combine Swedish lessons with intercultural training
Language, communication and culture and intrinsically linked. Creating awareness of your own cultural style of communication and how to adapt to get the response you want from Swedes, both in and outside of work, is our speciality. Learning to interpret how Swedes respond, in Swedish and/or English, is as vital for your communication skills as mastering Swedish vocabulary and grammar. We provide teachers who are experts in both language and intercultural training.
Private tuition or language training for your staff
We can source the best teacher for your needs from our network of professional teachers who are experienced in both corporate training and private tuition.
Contact us for a quote
Call us on Tel +46 8 361011 or email us at info@ for more information and a quote. We look forward to helping you to achieve your goals.
Relocate to Sweden provides expert advice and hands-on help for companies recruiting internationally or transferring staff to Sweden. We help your international recruits with the entire relocation process including immigration, home finding, tax consultancy, registration with Swedish authorities, schools, health care, language and intercultural training. Email us at info@ or call us on +46 8 361011 if you would like help. You can also read more about our relocation services at www.relocatetosweden.com
+46 8 361011
Waterfront Building
Klarabergsviadukten 6
101 23 Stockholm