Sweden has a reputation for being expensive, but living here is more affordable than you might think.
How does Stockholm compare globally?
The global survey “Mapping World Prices 2019”, published last week by Deutsche Bank, shows Stockholm performing quite well on prices. This research covers 55 major cities in 46 countries.
Ten sample comparisons from the survey are presented below. Stockholm also compares favourably when examining the balance between disposable income and quality of life, significantly outperforming European cities such as London, Paris and Madrid as well as further afield such as Hong Kong, Seoul and Toronto.
The full survey is available here . You can also check out how well Stockholm compares with your own city.
As with any country, differences can vary considerably, depending on the region and whether you are looking at cities or more rural areas. Stockholm is without comparison the most expensive city in Sweden.
Getting the bigger picture
Whilst incomes and prices may not be the decisive factor in your decision to move to Sweden, they are usually a significant factor for most people. Sweden consistently gets top rankings on all sorts of criteria such as environment, equality and work-life balance, but day-to-day finances also need to work out. Beyond the basics of income, taxes and consumer prices, huge Swedish family benefits such as free schools and university education, free health care for children and heavily subisdised daycare and pre-schools make an enormous difference to general affordability, opportunities and quality of life.
Need more detailed information about costs of living in Sweden ?
For more information and consultancy on relocating to Sweden that will give you the bigger picture, please email info@
Relocate to Sweden provides expert advice and hands-on help for companies recruiting internationally or transferring staff to Sweden. We also offer private relocation services. We help with the entire relocation process including immigration, home finding, tax consultancy, registration with Swedish authorities, schools, health care, language and intercultural training. Email us at info@ or call us on +46 8 361011 for more information. You can also read more about our relocation services at www.relocatetosweden.com or follow us on social media for tips and advice.
+46 8 361011
Waterfront Building
Klarabergsviadukten 6
101 23 Stockholm