Best websites about the Coronavirus in Sweden in English

We hope you are keeping well and remaining symptom-free in these worrying times. If you are currently in Sweden or considering moving here, you may be struggling to find answers to your questions concerning the development and treatment of the Coronavirus in this country.

Top 3 websites
We recommend the following websites as the best sources of information about the Coronavirus in Sweden, including government action, economic impact and where you can turn to for health care.

1.  The Local
This online newspaper provides regularly updated news in English for internationals in Sweden. Articles relating to the Coronavirus are generally paywall free, as per the following sample articles:
Timeline: How the Coronavirus has developed in Sweden
What you need to know about the Coronavirus outbreak in Sweden: Your questions answered

2. Public Health Agency of Sweden
This government body is called Folkhälsomyndigheten in Swedish and the information provided includes a helpful FAQ about Covoid 19.

3. Emergency Information from the Swedish Authorities
This government website provides official emergency updates such as local hazards and risks, as well as information on finding help and services.

Emergency telephone numbers in Sweden

112 – Emergencies
Call 112 in case of emergencies, such as urgent medical conditions, active crimes or fires. You can also reach the air, sea and mountain rescue, as well as on-call priests and the poisons information hotline. Only call 112 in emergency situations. If you have non-urgent questions, use one of the phone numbers listed below. For more information, go to SOS Alarm.

1177 – Healthcare advice
Call 1177 for non-urgent healthcare issues. Operators answer your questions about illness or healthcare and provide information about where you can find the nearest clinic. If you are calling from abroad or from a foreign mobile in Sweden, call +46 771 1177 00. For more information in English about Swedish healthcare, go to 1177 Vårdguiden.

Stay healthy and take care!

Relocate to Sweden provides expert advice and hands-on help for companies recruiting internationally or transferring staff to Sweden. We help your international recruits with the entire relocation process including work and residence visas, home finding, tax consultancy, registration with Swedish authorities, schools, health care, translations, language and intercultural training. Email us at info@ or call us on +46 8 361011 if you would like help. You can also read more about our relocation services at or follow us on social media for tips and advice.

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